Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Cheats In Warbook - Warbook Hacks Available
Cheating In Warbook - Warbook Hacks
This post is to remind people that there are no hacks available so far but it was said that if you want to, you can easily run a script to run this game on auto pilot. But then, what would be the point??
Let your creativity flows whilst playing this exciting strategy game. May the strongest win.
could you email me and explain how to put the game on auto pilot
my email is
i have limited computer access and dont have enough time to really level up or build my army so if i could auto pilot the game it would really help
To bad, I do not have the script, nor do I know anyone that does, but anyone that does get hold of one please leave a comment here, and give the source of script so that others interested might be able to see..
Thank you.
use "vacation mode" (now available)
doesnt vacation mode jus freeze everything untill u take it off tho?
An easy way of scripting using Watir:
Install Ruby and add the watir gem.
I will not go through how to install those for you. There is ample documentation online. If you screw up, then you'll have to troubleshoot yourself--or hope that someone else helps you out.
You are now on your own.
Here is a very basic alchemy script to get you started. This example logs onto your facebook account and casts alchemy every hour if you have the mana. Every ">" denotes a new line.
>require "watir"
>while 0<1
>t =
>tm = t.min
>if tm == 30
>ie = Watir::IE.start("")
>ie.speed = :fast
>if ie.text.include? "logout"
>, "logout").click
>sleep 2
>#change e-mail and password below#
>ie.text_field(:name, "email").set "e-mail"
>ie.text_field(:name, "pass").set "password"
>ie.button(:value, "Login").click
>ie.goto ""
>ie.goto ""
>mana = ie.div(:id, "mana").text
>manaint = mmana.to_i
>#you may need to tweak the numbers below#
>#numbers below are appropriate for 75 max mana/22 alchemy cost#
>if manaint >= 22
>manaint = 0
>ie.goto ""
>ie.select_list( :name, "type").select("Alchemy (22 mana)")
>ie.button(:name, "commit").click
>sleep 60
Install firewatir if you want to use firefox.
Know that everything can be scripted. I can fully script a self-sustaining 1+ mil non-tapped mage.
To WB admin: I hope you realize how big of an issue scripting/multis are and clean up your game.
hi man thanks for this script i already download firewatir and ruby but i don't now how to run this script .
hey how to run this script pls tell tht also
It's time for another. I don't know if it still works or not. I've stopped playing for months now but someone showed me the leader board and felt compelled to post another tickler.
>require "watir"
>require "firewatir"
>timereset =
>timereset[0,2] = [ 30, 31, 32]
>while 0<1
>t =
>tm = t.min
>if timereset.include?(tm)
> ie = Watir::IE.start("")
> ie.speed = :fast
> if ie.text.include? "logout"
>, "logout").click
> end
> sleep 2
> ie.text_field(:name, "email").set "EMAIL TO TAPPED ACCOUNT"
> ie.text_field(:name, "pass").set "PASSWORD"
> ie.button(:value, "Login").click
> ie.goto ""
> ie.goto ""
> if ie.text.include? "more..."
>, "more...").click
> end
> if ie.text.include? "says"
> message = ie.div(:id, "messages").text
> puts "=========================================="
> puts message
> puts t
> puts "=========================================="
> ie.goto ""
> end
> if ie.text.include? "YOUR TAPPER'S NAME"
> ie.goto ""
> end
> ie.goto ""
> unless ie.text.include? "Full Alert"
> ff =
> ff.goto ""
> if ff.text.include? "logout"
>, "logout").click
> end
> sleep 2
> ff.text_field(:name, "email").set "YOUR TAPPING/MULTI EMAIL"
> ff.text_field(:name, "pass").set "TAPPER/MULTI PASSWORD"
> ff.button(:value, "Login").click
> ff.goto ""
> ff.goto ""
> ff.goto ""
> ff.text_field(:name, "searchString").set "TAPPED KD NAME"
> ff.button(:value, "Search").click
>, "TAPPED KD NAME").click
> ff.button(:value, "Attack!").click
> unless ff.text.include? "Full Alert"
> ff.button(:value, "Attack!").click
> end
> ff.close()
> end
>ie.goto ""
>sleep 15
Copy/paste the above into notepad, remove all the ">" in front of each line, and save it as a *.rb file (eg. autotap.rb).
TIP: An easy way to keep your script from failing (i.e. from WSOD, browser failures) make the following batch file (*.bat).
Now run the batch file instead (which then runs the ruby file).
The above alchemy script can be combined with this script. Obvious improvements can be made if you know a little about coding--this is only an example to get you started.
I am currently trying to script on Warbook with "iMacro" fro Firefox. However I am having some trouble with that. I just need to the click a few exact spots, over and over and over.
So does anyone have suggestions or alternatives for successfully botting Warbook? Or Warbook RotI?
Please email me:
I can offer $10 via PayPal to anyone who can help if you like.
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