AGLOCO™ Review

AGLOCO™ Company - Own the Internet : Review And News. A company that has done it before.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Google Survey vs Agloco Shares.

I cannot believe it. 4 months past the initial launch date. I think planning of Algoco management part is not impressive. That will automatically shaken the confidence of Agloco members about the promise of shares and dividends or even earn while we surf.

Instead of waiting for things to happen why make things happen yourself. Yes... Google.. (the big G) is offering to pay up to US$75 an hour for you to do something for them. Surveys.

I thought it was a hoax when I read it in one of the forums I frequent, and I had a closer look and hey, this must be real, people are cashing out, and the url is indeed, i thought why not sign up and see if I can get some google freebies!! ehaheahehae..

Will keep you guys posted, if they invite me to the London office. Meantime, signup here.

Go sign up too...


At 7:20 PM, Blogger leumas said...

Hello Agloco members,

My name is Andres Cruz and I'm with another Agloco Team. Please take a few minutes to read this email.

I would like to show something that you and your organization can use as a tool for Agloco. Not only that but you will also create another income stream in the process without having to recruit more people. You simply incorporate it with your existing down-line/organization.

Once your recruit signs up for Agloco, you simply let him know about this tool that can make them more money. Let me explain. Agloco and every other network marketing company provides a self-replicating website for their members. However, the domain names for these websites are always long and complicated. They either contain a period in between words or forward slash followed by a name and/or number:

ie. or

This just doesn't look very appealing, especially if you use it on marketing materials like business cards, etc. The best thing is to have a short and easily read domain name like However, one of the problems with .com domain names is that all the good ones are already taken. The other problem is that you cannot create another income stream.

The answer is to get a .WS domain name with GDI like those I have listed below. With a .WS domain name, you will eliminate the Forward Slashes + username problem and you will be able to make more money in the process.

Once you have your desired domain name, you simply forward your .WS domain to your opportunity's self-replicating website.

To see how much you can make, go to my site and click on the "Income Opportunity" link, and then click on the "Income Calculator" located on the top right-hand corner of the page.

To see how it works, watch this brief 7-minute presentation:

I'm going to approach many Agloco members with this so be sure to get in, grab your domain name and get your organization to do the same so you can override your team instead of them overriding you. I'll wait to hear from you before approaching anyone on your team.

To get your domain name, go to my site and click on the red "Sign up for free" button.

For example these domain names:

and many many more for you and your team to choose from!

Please note that all though these domain names below are currently forwarded to a corporate site, they are still available. You can go to the corporate website , to see if they are available but don't purchase them there b/c you will not be able to make money that way. You need to use my site to sign up in the network marketing aspect of the business)

Thank you for your time and I hope you and your organization take advantage of this great way to increase your income.

God bless,

Andres Cruz

At 3:23 AM, Blogger Mobd3 said...

hi friend, are you like exchange links with me?

Title: Everything about Agloco

Title: How to Make Money with Google Adsense

when u added me please send me a message to

if anyone else would like to exchange links with me please add my blogs and send me a message to



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